Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Big creepies!

We interrupted our blog comment reading session the other night, as one of the local team here alerted us to a large tarantula spider. This big chappie was right outside our seating area, but was well behaved and stayed still for some photos then he disappeared.

I think we will be checking under our mattresses tonight extra carefully.

Shout outs:

The Tilly fan club - you have posted nearly 1/4 of the total comments!

Louise's boyfriend: dog house for you over that diet comment yesterday, she was not impressed!

Claire: k says the tortuga makes an excellent pillow!!!

Alun & Beth: thanks for your texts, we are back in civilisation soon!

Among the conversation topics today while DIGGING AGAIN were "what meal would you like when you get home" - personally we think this is a little early midway through our 2nd week, so we will keep the list to ourselves.


  1. I would like to become a member of the tilly fan club:

    Tilly i love you! hope you are okay and that your having an amazing time!!! oh...and the rest of you...

    Hope your wearing your hat to keep away the rain.


  2. Hi Rhiannan

    No more complaining about the little baby spiders that want to come and play in your room!

    Love Mum


Please -leave us a comment if you'd like. We reserve the right not to publish rude, or offensive comments.

It may take some time before your comment appears, because we have to approve them before they are posted - but dont panic, we're reading then as fast as we can!