Friday, 16 July 2010

Digging, spiders and a rat

This morning we were woken a little early in our lovely house by an unwelcome visitor - a rat! To be honest he had been to visit the night before as well but we didn't twig that he was a local resident in the building until today. He also tried to share Ross' bed last night which is not at all on. It turns out that he was living in a spare drain pipe in our rafters, which we have now removed along with all the food that was in our bags! We will see if we are rat free tonight.

Group 1 started in the holes yesterday, managing to complete nearly 5 of the 12 holes. It was the turn of team 2 today, and here they are below.

Work was briefly interrupted today by a large spider in one of the deepest holes - James appeared to be an expert in identifying it, he said it was big but not a tarantula so that was helpful ! but not bad though as he is not at all keen on creepies along with many others there have been many shriek moments so far cockroaches are a favourite but the large witchery grub in the compost heap only scored a muted round of ughs !

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ross
    Better not bring that rat home with you, we've got enough rodents here already ! Mum x


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