Sunday, 18 July 2010

James meets gecko

Part of our beach tidying efforts today involved meeting some of the local wildlife, this included two hermit crabs, a gecko, and a baby octopus.

Back at the ranch later in the evening we also met a 'bug with a torch in his butt' (as described by our new Dutch friend Sabine who is working here with yanapuma) - I much prefer this description to 'glow bug' - we saw several types - including one with two ' 'glowing headlamps' which are apparently different colours for the male and female.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a massive gecko on your arm, James! And in another post I read that you had identified a big spider, which luckily wasn't a tarantula. You seem to be surrounded by all kinds of lovely creatures. I bet you're enjoying every minute of it ;)
    -We're leaving for the UK tomorrow, and as usual, I haven't done any packing yet. It's a pity we won't be seeing you this time, as we have to come back to Finland already on 31 July. Take care, and remember that what doesn't kill you, will only make you stronger. (That goes for geckos, spiders, rats, alligators, etc.) BR, Leena


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