Monday, 12 July 2010

Smells different

Here we are hard at work on our Spanish.

Happy birthdays to Tillys brother Oscar, and Millie's dad for tomorow

Becky says please give Puzzle the horse cuddles every time you go to the yard.

Louise is obsessed with the fact that it smells different (!)

Some students are feeling unloved as they haven't had any comments!

Bethan charlotte says no ppt for me yet (it's not PowerPoint) and Trish please post more text!


  1. Hey Rosemary! NALGO here, Millie has puked up a fur ball on the stairs, that's as exciting as it gets. OMG, Henry has bought some leather trousers to cut down into shorts - could he be any more of a stereotype? Hope you're not too hot and that your hair is making its acquaintance with some grooming products, although I think I may be wishing on a hopeless star here. Miss you loads, no-one's being rude to me or calling me 'donkey'. Lots of love, Donkey xxxxx

  2. Scud is only just missing Pip, we are missing the chef, like the image of the teacher taught. Simon Edwina & Chris

  3. Hey guys is jess's finger ok? Hope your having a great time crew!
    JT x

  4. Thanks for birthday wishes ... and I don't even need Spanish lessons to get cake! Weather Underground says Quito has thunderstorms and 16c today ... can that be right?

  5. MY NANNONN. I'd love to say i miss you right now. but to be honest, it hasn't got that drastic yet. because quite frankly lifes not all that bad without you here... Por ejemplo, I can squash my water bottles as much as i want without you screaming down my ear! i hope your having funnnn thoughh. Oh, and don't catch all the sun at once, you've gotta give me a chanceee! love youu xxxx

  6. Well I cannot tell you how many commnets I have typed ! Oscar even wrote his thnka you letter to you Tilly on this but clearly we are doing a Mrs Harvey!!! Might end up going down the road for some coaching from her!! We are fine and sounds like you are too! Duckling spent first night with the locals up the garden so fingers crossed he is still there. The ironing pile is huge already??!! And now it is raining.. Fingers crossed this works???? Love to Tilly xxxxxxxx From M D E and O and duck

  7. Pip's godmother15 July 2010 at 00:19

    How about a photo of all of you so we can be sure you're really there!


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