Tuesday 20 July 2010

Nat meets a jellyfish

Don't panic, it was only a small one, it tried to make friends with her yesterday while we had a day at a posh beach resort, but only manage to sting her. After some hasty application of vinegar, all is well and she was free to participate in a football match that took place later that afternoon.

We then waited on the Ranchera to return us to our house about an hour away. This was when we discovered about the RAIN. It rained on us for the entire journey back and we all got extremely wet.

Later that evening it got wetter and wetter, and wetter. After we went to bed it also got wetter and wetter still - in fact it rained all night without stopping. We squelched our way to breakfast this morning half hoping that due to the fact that it was STILL raining we would get the day off - no such luck. It rained sooo much overnight that the 2m holes that we had dug had filled completely with water!

We spent the rest of the morning bailing with buckets to empty them.


  1. So.... not quite as exotic as I'd thought it would be so close to the equator? How about a couple of pics of the view and sunsets (or sunrise?) to put me right?

  2. Hi All and Tilly

    Only looked on the blogg by chance and hay ho an update. Sorry to hear about the rain it was 29 degrees today!! Shouldn't have to go to work but only 3 days to go until Weymouth lets hope it shines then!! 490 children in 490 boats - it will be like a busmans holiday!! Enjoy the mud and rain!! Love from M D E and O

  3. Hi Tilly,
    Amazing you had so much rain, i can sympathise with you as it has been like that in Devon today. Fog and lashing rain all day, golf cancelled as course was closed, and yet up at Bradfield it has been roasting hot and not a drop of rain. Hope all going well, keep out of the way of the jellyfish!!!! Love Nanaxx

  4. Hi Louise,
    One more day of school for me!! Hurray!!
    Boys busy planning their trip to India - probably heading to Kerala in the south. Dad and I are very envious of you all.
    Hugh is going to Wales tomorrow with his friends - Jeremy forgot to take the time off work so isn't going.
    Hope it's stopped raining. Hot and sunny here.
    With love
    Mum and Dad

  5. Hey Natalie,

    Hope you enjoyed your encounter with the jelly fish :p nothing even slightly exciting is happening here, but glad to hear you're having a blast. Looks lovely where you guys are, and you have the fortune of missing school for two weeks!

    I'm going camping in a few days, so will try my hand at the whole outdoors type thing, possibly with limited success!! But yeah as long as I don't end up harming innocent wildlife by sleeping on them like last time all should be fine.

    Anyway, regards to the rest of you as well!! (sorry for the long comment!)

    Love Nic xx

  6. Sounds...um...wet?!
    You're all going to be expert consruction workers by the time you get back...we'd like a bit of digging doing if there's any offers?
    Millie give apologies to Rhiannon, Davids had a'bit of trouble' getting into this blog malarky and thinks he may have ended up stalking Rhiannon:)
    Love you.....Jet's progressed to Friends xx

  7. Hi Cath :D It sounds like you are all having an amazing time!! (Although poor natalie!) Great pics and news, so keep posting! Nothing much happening here atm but we break up in two days!! And then France on Tuesday, so hopefully I'll be able to comment from there too :) Heard about mum's failed attepts at commmenting.. I think it's worse than 'is it a picture.... why isn't it working.. oh dear i'm taking a video' ;D So now we know why you were feeling a bit unloved.. Love to all, Torse xxxxx

  8. Hey everyone!

    Hej Charlotte.

    I'm so disappointed. I sent you two comments but there was an "error". so I thought I'd leave it for a day before I write again..

    I got drenched today too! Not as much as you guys, but the immature boys in our year decided to target Nic and I with two bottles of water, not just one but TWO! Nic got the worst end of it, poor guy! I'm sure you all enjoyed the heavy rain.. :)

    We played a game in french today, the same game we played with Claire. It was interesting, well kind of. There were only 3 of us there (no names mentioned), so you can imagine exactly how interesting it was.

    oh no, I almost lost my comment yet again! the laptop's battery almost ran out. what a disaster that would have been.

    Charlotte, Sophie keeps saying "charlie bit my finger". It's rather strange. I'm sure you've seen the youtube video. Oh and Abdul went away for a few days, but unfortunately he's on his way back..

    I'm so bored. I'm just talking about useless things now. I'll have some interesting stories to tell you next week though, after my work experience. Well I hope I do!

    Just a random reminder.. HOT LIKE MEXICO.

    I enjoy reading your posts by the way! Keep them coming :)

    I'm off for now m'ladies (yes, it is including the guys).

    Miss you loads!

    Lots of love! xxxxxxx

    P.s. If you didn't get my previous comments then I'll have to repeat myself for the third time.
    Rosie. The "bender" keeps mentioning how a teacher and random little girls are flirting with him. It's SO not going to happen! I love judging that guy. He's so obviously gay.



    Hej Hej, Charlotte.

  9. Hello Tilly :)

    Hope you are having a lovely time...
    Things are not too exciting round here to be honest ...
    I feel the need to blog but not really sure what to say.... you will be glad to know im being forced into all the chores! :(
    Nearly got made to do the ironing :P
    Anyway ... looking forward to your next blog hope the rain stops some time soon!!

    Love ya long time :)
    Eliza xx

  10. Hi Jess and everyone,

    It was lovely to see a picture of you all looking so relaxed and happy despite the hard work, ratty friends and creepy crawlies...now jellyfish to add to the list! I guess Jess will have had her stitches out by now. Many thanks to whoever did the deed! Hope all is well with the finger and it is healing nicely now.
    All is well here. I have finished school today, what a relief. So I am now on holiday...Hooray! Haven't heard anything from Ben in Spain, but I expect he will be enjoying a week long party! We are off to Italy on Sunday and will be keeping up with your movements from there. We are enjoying the bloggs, thanks.

    Lots of love from Mum, Dad and EllXXXXXXXXX

  11. Hey Matt,
    Looks like your all having a lot of fun. just to let you know sonko has gone to portsmouth and Glen Little has gone to Aldershot. Cisse has gone to Bristol City, and Joe Cole has gone to Liverpool.
    Love From Lauren x

  12. Hello there, have you all dried out yet ? Ross; Sue & Sandjar say hi & everyone sends their love :-)

  13. Hello,Catherine! Sounds as though you are having a super time from all the blogs. We have enjoyed the pics. as well. Sorry not to have blogged before, but you know what peasants we are in that area! Your mother has just told us what to do! All well back at the ranch. Dinner with T, L and A last Tuesday. Hope you enjoy the Galapagos visit. Look forward to seeing you in August and we're thinking of you a lot. Much love, G and G.x

  14. Millie. Hope you're having a nice time. Your mum's making me do this, I don't know anything about this blogging lark. I waited for your mum to come and help because I saw the trouble all the others were having eg David, Sarah, Michael so I hope you get this before you get Davids. Lots of Love Grandad xx

  15. Urrm,hi to joe,harbour island say hello,&you owe me £10 :) Love Ella x

  16. Hey dudes!

    I hope everything is okay. I'm bored. Everyone is leaving me all at once! What a disaster. You guys in Ecuador, Bethan's going to Turkey tomorrow and then Charlie's off to spain in about 2-3 weeks, I think!

    By the way, Bethan says, "I've gone on holiday. I love you all. I love 'them' all very much. I want you to have the time of your life..you get the msg." Basically, she loves you. She said "babe" a few times too.

    I'll write to you again soon!

    Much love! xxxxxxxx

  17. Hi Cath! Woohoo finished school yesterday!! I'm officially a year 11 :D Not much is happening here, I worked today (My first day of holiday and no lie in :( ) But nice load of wages! I think town tomorrow and then work on monday, then we go to France on Tuesday! Fingers crossed it will be hotter there than here. Hope the weather is good in Equador, and that you're all having a good time - blog soon! Love, Torse xxxxx

  18. Hi Millie. Sounds like you are having a fantastic time - even with all the rain. What an experience you are going to have and can't wait to hear all about it when you get back. Hope your Spanish is improving too.

    Your useless uncle has tried to do this and ended up stalking some girl on another blog apparently ha ha.

    Daniel will be 8 weeks old on Tuesday and is changing every week although still gorgeous as ever (very biased mum here). He's having his jabs on Monday :(

    Have fun xxx

  19. Hi J,
    It's Saturday evening, Mum and I are all packed and ready for Tuscany. We are catching the 09:46 from Tilehurst to Gatwick. Eleanor and Ben will be in charge of the hens. Ben is due back either late tonight or early tomorrow, he is due in Waitrose at 7am!
    How's the finger? I've made a careful study of the ten pixels representing your finger in the group photo. They all look fine, sort of pink and square.
    I guess that you are all on holiday too, now. hope you have a good time. Mum and Ell send love.
    Dad XX

  20. Hello Pip, I don't think we will be coming home from Azores so beautiful,warm and peaceful. You would love it too - supermarket has numerous varieties of iced tea with free flip flops thrown in. Hope you are having fun - we are! love Mum and Dad

  21. This is your useless uncle here millie, not difficult really is it! Melissa had to show me actually... hope your having a great time, very jealous, make sure you get some great photos, watch out for the Llamas..

  22. Hello Charlotte(Harvey), on pense très fort à toi c vraiment dommage que tu ne sois pas avec nous cette année pour l'anniversaire de Vianney. Les enfants sont très tristes que tu ne sois pas la mais très content pour toi que tu fasses ce magnifique voyage. on espère voir plus de photos a ton retour.Mais de ce que l'on vue ca a l'air vraiment magnifique et excitant.On t'embrasse tous Mouti
    ,Éric,Mamie,Stéphane,Diane, Thibault, Marin, Victor, Thomas,Ella, et bien sur ton magnifique super génial extraordinaire et merveilleux cousin Vianney. On espère avoir de t nouvelles très très bientôt. Profite en bien. Et n'oublie pas de ramener un souvenir a ton cousin préfère Vianney.....


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