Sunday, 11 July 2010

Egg balancing on the equator!

Today we visited the Equator, apparently it's possible to balance an egg on a nail more easily as the forces of gravity are less on the actual line of the equator

Only three of the group had the required steady hand to do this though - hah.


  1. glad to here you finally arrived safely,Johns wedding was an experience, his brother put shower gel in the fountain and all his mates were jumping in the foam.we had a good time, John was really drunk.Puzzle was good on Saturday holly gave him lots of cuddles.Speak to you soon Becky,lots of love mum and

  2. Posting on request of Natalie :)

    You went halfway around the world to balance an egg on a nail? nice...

    not really sure what to say, but thought i'd post a comment to show support/love etc...

    Hope everyone is well :) and best wishes to all!!

    Love Nic!! xx

    (ps - Did i post in the right place???)

  3. Hey Rhiannan, talking about eggs - our eggs are still cooking nicely! Still too reluctant to candle them yet despite being nagged! xx The Melvins


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